All the past and future BOBB stories are now on www.BOBBblog.com 

this site will no longer be maintained

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A note to BOBB Followers:  
Still learning how to move you to www.BOBBblog.com but, as soon as we figure it out we will let you know.

See y'all at www.BOBBblog.com

photo by hansol

SHINAZY - Founder and Writer Babe

My favorite Neil Young song lyric -- "it's better to burn out than to fade away" -- what this means to me is to keep moving, learning, creating.

I founded BOBB because I remember the stories my great-grandmothers and grandmothers told while I sat at their kitchen tables. These and other stories I plan to tell.

And, still other tales that have yet to happen.

In my personal life, I'll continue to push the envelope, be silly, run and climb over, under, around, & through almost everything, and show how wonderful it is to be a boomer.

I currently run a business, Shinazy & Associates, that specialized in Career, Resume, Linkedin tutoring and I'm always in training to run somewhere; next destination is Australia for my eleventh and final marathon (then my feet will have run on all seven continents.) 

Easy distracted I am, because there is just so much in the world I must see and do.
Come along with me . . .

MALATI MARLENE SHINAZY, M.Ed. – Writer Babe - Wisdom Wednesday

I was born in December at 7:36 am -- dawn. It's no wonder I have always wanted to be awake at dawn. I want to watch the sun rise. And, I never want to miss out on a single moment of the day. 

  • If it’s interesting – I want to be part of it
  • If it’s way out-there, odd and unusual – I want to be part of it
  • If it’s requires introspection and self-assessment – I want to be part of it
Learning is a life-long passion. I am a Learning & Development professional and serial entrepreneur. My specialties are leadership development and workforce diversity. Some wisdom should result, right? 

As wisdom is meant to be shared, WISDOM WEDNESDAY is a dialogue. I always look forward to your insights and points of view...  and am thrilled when I receive your comments.

 SHERI ROBINSON - Editor and Writer Babe

       photo and bio coming soon


The BOBB Founder made me do it.  8-)

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